Deal Breakers – why you should always factor them in

As someone looking for a new place to live, you probably have some standards and requirements that you look for in a home. These may be things like being pet friendly, or having a pool, or being in a particular area, etc.; while you may feel like you can overlook these things if you like a property enough for other reasons, it may not be in your best interest.

It’s extremely important to have some kind of deal breaker(s) that determine whether or not a property is right for you. Now, we’re not telling you to be picky or demanding! Having a deal breaker factor that’s something extremely important to you (maybe being x miles from your job) helps guarantee your satisfaction in your new home, because you’re not settling for whatever you find, you’re making it a point to find what you want. For example, you may have decided that you’re only living within a five mile radius of your office, because you hate driving…but, you found the most beautiful home ever, and for a great price. Only drawback? it’s ten miles away from your job. You may think that you can overlook the distance and just get used to the drive, but you most likely won’t. If there’s something you’re set, you shouldn’t compromise it for something that’s not as important to you.

Having a deal breaker in mind when you’re looking for a place to live also helps narrow down your search. In this aspect, searching for the perfect home is like searching for the perfect car; you have the specific features in mind that you want, and focus your search strictly on what meets these criteria. Keeping a fixed thing in mind that you won’t compromise no matter what will save you the time of looking at those properties that you know don’t match up.


deal breaker