How To Find A Roommate

info on how to find a roommateMany tenants find themselves in a situation where they have to act fast to keep up with the rent. Here are some tips on how to find a roommate.

It has never been easier for people to connect with one another. Instead of figuring out how to get in touch with a friend or a person with mutual interests, the real question today is just what method are you going to use to get in touch with them. There are nearly a dozen popular social media platforms, each with their own distinct rhythm and usefulness. But if getting in touch with people, both in your area and all over the world, has never been easier, then why can it still be so difficult to find a great roommate? Here is a primer for how to go about a roommate search.

Social Media

Using social media to find a roommate has never been a better option. Social media makes it easy to get a pretty good handle on a potential roommate before you move in. This limits the possibility of a roommate turning out much different than you expected, an experience many of us have had. Social media makes it easier to advertise the fact that you are looking for a roommate. Once you’ve done this, you can check out a potential roommate’s account (or multiple different social media accounts) and look for things like shared interests that might make the living situation more enjoyable.

Word Of Mouth

While social media has certainly made it easier to connect instantly with a much wider range of people, there may never be a replacement for old-fashioned, word-of-mouth networking. This is true in a number of areas, and the search for a roommate is chief among them. Simply asking your friends or coworkers if they know somebody who is looking for a roommate can be the best way of finding one. Sure, it might seem like a shot in the dark compared to potentially finding a perfect match on social media. Sometimes, though, you can get so caught up in the information available on line that you miss the obvious solution right in front of you. Perhaps that new co-worker is just as much of a neat-freak as you are and binge watches the same shows online. You never know until you spread the word that you’re looking for a roommate.

Choosing A Roommate

Choosing a Roommate with tenant.rentalsLiving with a roommate has developed a stigma as a potentially stressful situation. But this doesn’t have to be the case. When it comes to living with a roommate and the potential problems that can arise, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The best prevention of roommate issues is, of course, choosing the right roommate. As is true with many things, the more you know about a potential roommate the greater the likelihood of making an informed and successful decision. But what should someone look for in a roommate? With more information than ever before available on the topic, it can be easy to develop information overload. Here is a basic overview of some factors to consider that will help as you find a roommate.

Schedule Considerations

Although most people focus first on things related to personal compatibility, this can lead to more practical factors getting overlooked and leading to disaster. One of these practical factors, crucial to consider when picking a roommate, is each roommate’s schedule. No matter how well roommates get along personally, conflict is inevitably going to ensue if one is cooking, showering, watching television and generally living their life while the other one is trying to sleep. This can be a factor if one or both roommates are in college and keep a certain schedule related to classes and schoolwork, or if one or both roommates work a job with odd hours.

Choosing a Roommate with Similar Interests

While it may not be the first thing to consider, sharing common interests is definitely a factor that can be conducive to roommate success. A common interest—a sport the roommates can play together or a television show they can watch together—not only provides a common activity, but also provides something to talk about in your downtime and can help defuse conflicts when they do arise.