Move Like A Pro: 3 Tips for Easy Pain-Free Moving

Moving can be stressful. From finding the perfect place to the move-in day, relocating, whether across state lines or the next block over, can be a difficult process.  Movers are faced with many tasks that can be hard to complete in an effective and timely manner. From scoping out the perfect apartment rentals to organizing and packing, moving takes a lot of hard work.

Although moving is a generally hard task, there are ways to make the process easier for all parties involved.  Take the necessary steps to ensure a stress-free move. There are many unforeseen things that can occur, however, with proper preparation and the following tips, moving into a new apartment can be a breeze.

Avoid Last Minute Packing and Pack Efficiently

Hiring professional movers

Waiting until the last minute to pack is the number one cause of a difficult moving process. When moving, the final date at a current residence is made known at least 30 days prior to the exit date. Use as much time as possible to begin the move. Start by packing or transporting large items or seasonal items that will not be put into use for the duration of the move-in process. Getting these things out of the way leaves less to pack once it gets closer to move-in day.

Create a schedule, listing which items to pack which day to avoid last minute packing. Give a time frame such as 14 days and list one room or group of items a day to pack. This will keep the move-in process from deterring a daily schedule.   Packing one room a day allows items to be packaged and transported neatly and unpacked efficiently.

Some great tips on packing include labeling boxes by name, number or color.  This helps avoid mystery boxes and also aids in less mess.  When packing room by room, clearly label the boxes.  Closets and garments can be easily packed with garbage bags. Taking a trash bag and grouping items together and tying at the top does not even require hanger removal.

Be Organized, Clean and Take Photos

Take a day or even a few hours before moving in to assess the cleanliness of the apartment and also clean for yourself. Apartments will usually be in livable condition, however, the cleaner the better.  Use this time to not only clean the apartment but walk through and assure there is no damage prior to moving in, that was not previously discussed. Take photos of every room at this time to guarantee the return of a security deposit, if applicable.

This is also true of the apartment you are moving out of.  Make sure the items being moved into the new place are clean as well as cleaning the apartment itself. Many leasing offices will charge a cleaning fee if the empty apartment is not left up to their standards. Additionally, take photos once you vacate the property. If claims are made about the condition of the apartment, you will have photo evidence to prove or deny any objections.

Build A Great Moving Team

Friends and families are easy options when it comes to helping move into a new apartment. They will be curious to see the new space but a pizza and beer bribery also helps. Make sure your moving team knows which boxes go in which room and that they are in quality shape to help with the move. It is not fun to deal with injuries during the move-in process.

Hiring professional movers is also a way to ensure an easy moving process. If valuables and fragile objects outnumber lower cost decor, hire professionals to transport. It is not worth damaging a relationship over a broken vintage lamp. Professionals are trained to move people in quickly and damage free.

Don’t Ignore the Checklist! – #MovingMonday

The same way that moving in to a new place is a whole process, moving out takes a bit of work, too. Chances are, once you tell your landlord that you’re planning on moving out they’ll start putting together a checklist for you to make your moving process easier. The checklist will have things that you’re required to take care of before moving out, as outlined in your original lease, as well as any other dates and requirements that your landlord may have. Having a checklist makes the process of moving way easier for both of you, because you’ll know who is responsible for what and there won’t be any issues in determining what does and doesn’t need to be done.

You’re probably thinking checklist “a checklist? What do I need that for?”….Seeing as you probably don’t remember what you agreed to when you first signed your lease, this checklist is probably going to become your best friend while you’re prepping your home to move out. Aside from being a really good way for you to make sure you take care of everything you’re liable, this checklist will also help you out with getting as much of your security deposit back as possible. The checklist will also tell you how many days prior to leaving you need to have your landlord inspect your property, so you can use this to plan what you need to fix up and when you need to do it by. You can tackle a different thing each day, this way you won’t have a ton of repairs to do the day before you move out.  Things like repainting walls, or cleaning carpets, may take a bit more time and will also be easier once you’ve moved all of your belongings out, so plan around taking care of those as soon as each room is packed up.

The Kids Are All Right


For an adult, moving to a new home may not seem like such a huge deal; but for a child, this isn’t always the case. You won’t really be able to enjoy your new home if your kids aren’t happy with the move, so it’s important to make sure that they’re comfortable and happy in your new place.

As far as finding a good area, try to look in neighborhoods that have parks or community centers nearby. Your kids will be excited knowing that they won’t have to spend time locked up at home and that they have a fun place to go that’s close to them, with others their age. It also helps to find a neighborhood where you know a lot of children live because they’ll be able to make friends and adjust to living in a new place. This will also probably help you feel more welcome too since you’ll be able to befriend the parents of your kids’ friends. Everyone wins!

When it comes down to finding the specific home, keep your kids in mind. If it’s within your budget, try finding a home that has a fenced in yard; your kids will be happy that you thought 0f them when picking a home, and they’ll feel better about the moving process. Another great idea is allowing your kids to paint their rooms a different color than what the house came from, or completely change up their rooms from your previous home. This lets them add their own personal touch to the room so that they won’t feel that they’re in a strange new place.


Moving On Out

Your lease is ending, you’ve already found your new home…what’s next?! MOVING

The process of moving is very exciting, (you’re gonna live in a new place!) but also requires a lot of work and proper planning to make it easy on you. Here at we’ve put together some tips to make your move as smooth as possible.moving

LABEL EVERYTHING! We cannot stress enough the importance of labeling every single box, bag, or container that you plan on moving. If your stuff isn’t labeled, how will you know where it goes? Labels should ask be as specific as possible, so that you can put things exactly where they need to be. For example, if you label a box ‘bedroom’ how will you know which bedroom it belongs in? You’ll end up having to sift through the boxes to figure out what goes where. You also need to be clear on which boxes have fragile items and which don’t, skipping this step may cost you a lot.

  • Don’t take every single box at once. Yes, making multiple trips does seem like it’ll be a pain, but it will make the process easier on you. If you take all your stuff at once, you’re gonna end up with stacks of boxes everywhere and very little room to move. Try taking things by sections, maybe you can do a few rooms of the house at a time so that all boxes are situated in their respective areas. This way you’re also clearing up space to keep moving in more things.
  • Use what you already have at home before spending tons on packing supplies. Things like shoes and clothes don’t need to go in fancy boxes from Home Depot, you can use trash bags for items like these. You can separate shoes depending on style and put them into different bags to avoid messing them up. For clothes it’s also really simple; keep all of your stuff on hangers,  make a hole in the bottom of a big trash bag, and put the hangers through…you’ve just made your very own garment bag! Use suitcases to pack books or items that require folding as well.
  • If you do end up needing some extra boxes, don’t buy them! Hit up your local grocery store or stores like Walmart and Target in the early mornings. Usually, these kinds of stores have tons of boxes laying around from the days shipments, and they’re pretty much up for grabs for anyone!
  • Teamwork makes the dream work! Enlist in the help of friends and family to make your move as smooth and quick as possible. Maybe while you’re moving boxes from point A to point B someone else can be unpacking your stuff in your new home. Whatever way you decide to do, having more people on board will definitely make the process go a lot smoother.

Good luck moving!