How can YOU be a good tenant?

First of all…PAY YOUR RENT ON TIME!!!

Aside from that, being a good tenant goes wayyyyyy beyond paying rent on time. As someone who’s living in another person’s property, you want to be considerate of that and treat is as though it is your own. Be careful, and be kind. Think about it, someone fixed up their home to rent it out to you, so you want to make sure you’re keeping it how you first got it.  Single Family House Rentals helps you find you a rental in your area and set up communication with your new landlord.

Tenant Legal Help

Tenant Legal Help

Go to your landlord for real issues, not silly things you can do yourself. If something happens, like your air conditioner breaks, definitely contact your landlord immediately.

What else can you do to be a good tenant? 

But if something happens, like a floorboard gets scuffed, take care of it yourself. They’re not going to appreciate having to fix very minor things that you could easily do on your own. If you need a roommate, Tenant Moving Assistance help with that as well. 

Back to the subject of rent, if for whatever reason you can’t pay on time, just tell your landlord prior to when your rent is due and see if you can work something out with them. Don’t wait until the day the rent is due, or after that, to tell your landlord that you can’t pay them; as much as you need the money, they do too. As you enter into a lease agreement, start making repair requests, and possibly have a dispute with your landlord, Tenant Legal Rights can help you.

good tenant

VIEW HERE to know more in detail about tips on decorating your rental

Furnished vs. Unfurnished

Many times when you’re looking for a rental property you’re given the option of getting your new place furnished, or unfurnished. Usually a furnished rental includes the basic furniture most people have in their homes: bed, nightstand, dresser, and desk in the bedroom, couch, love seat, coffee table, and sometimes a TV, in the living room, and some sort of a dining table.

What are the benefits of renting a furnished home?

With a furnished home you’re saved all the time and cost of finding, buying, and transporting furniture. You’re pretty much just responsible for moving your personal belongings into your new home. You also don’t have to worry about moving furniture out afterwards, either. Renting a furnished home is a great idea if you don’t know how long you plan on staying in the same town, because you won’t have the burden of transporting a ton of furniture from place to place.

Now, we all know that with a list of benefits there’s always going to be a list of cons, too.

Usually, if you rent a furnished home, your overall monthly rent will be a bit higher than if you were to rent an unfurnished home. This fee typically isn’t too high, maybe like $20 more a month, but it’s still something you should factor in. Another reason people sometimes opt out of renting a furnished home is because of the furniture itself. It would be impossible to have brand new furniture for every single tenant, so the furniture is used over and over again by tenants who choose to rent furnished homes. It’s also pretty standard, so you don’t really get to pick what kind of furniture it comes with.


Your Perfect Space – finding the right area for you

If you’re in the process of looking for a new place to live, a big thing you need to look at is what kind of home and community you want. Do you want an apartment in a tall building? Or a house in a gated community? Do you want to live in the city? Or the suburbs? So many questions!

Before you start browsing possible rentals, narrow down what kind of area you want to live in. Base your decision on your job, lifestyle, family, etc. Look at all of the different factors that will be affected by your place of living, and then figure out what kind of area is good for you. Once you’ve decided what kind of area you want to live in, it’s much easier to figure out what type of home you want to live in.

If you’ve chosen to live in a more urban area, you’ll have quite a few apartments and condos to choose from, but maybe not so many houses. In a suburban area you’ll have all kinds of houses and communities to choose from, as well as townhouses and apartment buildings (typically not as big as those in an urban community). Different kinds of places offer different kinds of benefits for you, so this should also be factored in.

In an apartment, you won’t need to worry about landscaping issues and things like that, but you’ll probably have to compromise on the amount of space you’ll get. In a house in a suburban neighborhood, you may pay more for rent (depends on the market) but you’ll have lots of space. In a gated community, you’ll have security, but you’ll also have to abide by strict community rules; you may not be allowed to park more than two cars in your front yard, rules along those lines. These are all pretty general things, but the specific building, neighborhood, and community rules will vary.

Before making the decision about where you’re going to live make sure the area is right for you, and the space is perfect for you.

metropolitan area

Permission to change?

In any home there’s always the desire to add your own personal touch; with rental homes, however, this can get a bit tricky.

Since the home you’re living in technically isn’t yours, you’re not entirely entitled to change it up however you please. Sure, you can move things around and decorate in your personal way, but before you start painting and knocking down walls, run it by your landlord first.

Usually with simple things like paint colors your landlord will let you have the freedom to paint over the colors the home came with, as long as you commit to getting them back to their original color once you move out. Now, it gets a bit trickier withrental home things like floors (and floor plans, too). If you want to change from carpet to wood floors, or anything in that realm, you definitely need to ask your landlord if it’s okay with them. Typically if it’s something that’ll increase the value of the home, or just make it look better, they’ll be okay with it. Wanting to make big changes, like remodeling, aren’t really in your best interest. Yeah, it’d be great to have a huge closet, but is it worth the cost and hassle on a home that isn’t even yours?! Don’t think so. Unless it’s something that is absolutely necessary, and you know you’ll be living in the home for a looooong time, your landlord probably won’t sign off on it either. Plus, all of these changes aren’t free; these will require a big financial investment on your end.

If you want to add your own personal touch, focus on the decor of the room and creating the right ambiance. Super easy and you don’t need anyone’s approval but your own.

Moving On Out

Your lease is ending, you’ve already found your new home…what’s next?! MOVING

The process of moving is very exciting, (you’re gonna live in a new place!) but also requires a lot of work and proper planning to make it easy on you. Here at we’ve put together some tips to make your move as smooth as possible.moving

LABEL EVERYTHING! We cannot stress enough the importance of labeling every single box, bag, or container that you plan on moving. If your stuff isn’t labeled, how will you know where it goes? Labels should ask be as specific as possible, so that you can put things exactly where they need to be. For example, if you label a box ‘bedroom’ how will you know which bedroom it belongs in? You’ll end up having to sift through the boxes to figure out what goes where. You also need to be clear on which boxes have fragile items and which don’t, skipping this step may cost you a lot.

  • Don’t take every single box at once. Yes, making multiple trips does seem like it’ll be a pain, but it will make the process easier on you. If you take all your stuff at once, you’re gonna end up with stacks of boxes everywhere and very little room to move. Try taking things by sections, maybe you can do a few rooms of the house at a time so that all boxes are situated in their respective areas. This way you’re also clearing up space to keep moving in more things.
  • Use what you already have at home before spending tons on packing supplies. Things like shoes and clothes don’t need to go in fancy boxes from Home Depot, you can use trash bags for items like these. You can separate shoes depending on style and put them into different bags to avoid messing them up. For clothes it’s also really simple; keep all of your stuff on hangers,  make a hole in the bottom of a big trash bag, and put the hangers through…you’ve just made your very own garment bag! Use suitcases to pack books or items that require folding as well.
  • If you do end up needing some extra boxes, don’t buy them! Hit up your local grocery store or stores like Walmart and Target in the early mornings. Usually, these kinds of stores have tons of boxes laying around from the days shipments, and they’re pretty much up for grabs for anyone!
  • Teamwork makes the dream work! Enlist in the help of friends and family to make your move as smooth and quick as possible. Maybe while you’re moving boxes from point A to point B someone else can be unpacking your stuff in your new home. Whatever way you decide to do, having more people on board will definitely make the process go a lot smoother.

Good luck moving!

Out of the Box: Using the right storage to maximize your rental space

As someone who’s renting their home, you’re not exactly allowed to knock down some walls and make a new closet or alter your current storage situation. With that being said, you need to find other ways to maximize your space and storage.

Though no one admits it, a lot of us like to take the lazy way out and just accumulate storage bins in our garages or under our beds…bad solution!!! Storage bins do not have an aesthetic appeal, and ultimately take up a ton of space. It’s important to maximize functional spaces, like our closets, and even furniture. If organized correctly, closet space can go a veryyyyy long way, even for the smallest spots. If you have a pretty standard closet, you can get closet organizers/systems pretty much fully-equipped (check out The Container Store). If you have a smaller space, or want to customize it more than standard closet organizers, you can instill your own shelves and hanger units based on your precise storage

As far as functional furniture, we all know Ikea is the bees knees. Have you ever seen Swedish storage!?! IT DOESN’T EXIST! That’s where Ikea comes in! Ikea makes furniture as functional as possible to take advantage of space, especially useful when your storage is very limited. You can switch our your storage bins for a sleek bed that has big built-in drawers. Even small things, like a coffee table that doubles as media storage, can make all the difference in your space.

Basically, if you organize and plan correctly, you can make a small space into the storage space of your dreams.

To get a pet, or not to get a pet? That is the question

We all know that having a pet can be a lot of fun, but it can also be costly. Pets are a huge responsibility in a lot of different ways; you need to make sure they’re fed, bathed, have a place to sleep, the list goes on. If you’re considering getting a pet, there are a few things you should think about before making the big decision.

First of all, are you financially capable of taking on the responsibility? You need to figure out all the costs that you’re going to incur and see where you stand with your personal finances. Aside from your normal financial obligations, you’re going to have to make sure that you can take on vet bills, buying food, and the basic cost of owning a pet (grooming, toys, etc.). A big financial matter that you also need to consider is your rent; is your landlord going to charge more because you now have a dog or cat? Landlords are fully entitled to ask for a pet deposit or increase your rent if you decide to get a pet, because the liability increases on the rental.

Aside from the financial investment, you’re going to have to be willing to invest your time, too. Normally, people keep their pets for a long time, so that’ll be something you need to be sure you can do. If you plan on moving in the near future, it may not be the best time for you to get a pet because you don’t know where you’ll be living next and if pets are even allowed.

These are just a few basic things to consider, be sure to look at your specific lifestyle and see if you’re truly ready to have a pet before you end up doing something you can’t handle.


Deal Breakers – why you should always factor them in

As someone looking for a new place to live, you probably have some standards and requirements that you look for in a home. These may be things like being pet friendly, or having a pool, or being in a particular area, etc.; while you may feel like you can overlook these things if you like a property enough for other reasons, it may not be in your best interest.

It’s extremely important to have some kind of deal breaker(s) that determine whether or not a property is right for you. Now, we’re not telling you to be picky or demanding! Having a deal breaker factor that’s something extremely important to you (maybe being x miles from your job) helps guarantee your satisfaction in your new home, because you’re not settling for whatever you find, you’re making it a point to find what you want. For example, you may have decided that you’re only living within a five mile radius of your office, because you hate driving…but, you found the most beautiful home ever, and for a great price. Only drawback? it’s ten miles away from your job. You may think that you can overlook the distance and just get used to the drive, but you most likely won’t. If there’s something you’re set, you shouldn’t compromise it for something that’s not as important to you.

Having a deal breaker in mind when you’re looking for a place to live also helps narrow down your search. In this aspect, searching for the perfect home is like searching for the perfect car; you have the specific features in mind that you want, and focus your search strictly on what meets these criteria. Keeping a fixed thing in mind that you won’t compromise no matter what will save you the time of looking at those properties that you know don’t match up.


deal breaker