Finding Your Perfect Realtor

Realtors aren’t just around to sell you a house! If you’re looking into renting a home, a realtor can be a lot of help in finding you the perfect place. But just like with any important matter, it’s best to do your research before picking the person who’s going to help you find home.

If you have multiple realtors in mind, get a bit of info on them that you can compare to find your best option. Talk to the realtors and ask them about the recent clients they’ve worked with and their contact information. Reach out to the clients and see what kind of feedback they can provide you about the realtor and how their experience was. Clients are going to give you real information, so they’re a really good resource for intel. Another way to make sure that your possible realtor is totally legit is to check out their licenses. Your state has a board in charge of licensing and regulating those who want to work in real estate; contact the board and confirm the realtors’ licenses and check to make sure that their haven’t been any incidents pertaining to them.

Social media and the internet in general also provide you with all kinds of info that can help you decide if a realtor is right for you. LinkedIn is a good social media site to check because it shows you a persons professional backgrounreal estated. You can see what contacts the realtors have, what jobs they’ve had, and even how long they’ve been in the real estate industry. Even a simple Google search can lead you to lots of information. Check out and see if there’s any local news about the realtors you’re looking at and see what you find; you may find out that they’ve won tons of awards, or may also find out that they’ve dealt with fraud. Real estate forums are also good because aside from seeing what previous clients have said, you can also see what other realtors have to say. Granted, these may be biased, but they come from a more professional point of view so they’ll have validity.


Amenities You’ll Be Glad You Have

When you’re looking for a new place to rent, the amenities offered aren’t really the first thing that you factor in to your decision making process. Though a lot of amenities aren’t really absolutely necessary, there are a couple that you’re gonna be glad you didn’t compromise.

amenities Having a washer and dryer in your unit (or somewhere on the property) is something you should definitely look for when you’re trying to find a new place. You may be thinking that it won’t be a hassle having to do your laundry at your laundromat, and it may not be (at first), but it can be very inconvenient at times. Imagine that you have a huge interview and an hour before you need to leave you spill something on your shirt…big problem. If you don’t have a washer and dryer, you’re going to have to hit the laundromat and end up being late; with a washer and dryer readily available to you, this can be avoided. If you have kids, having a washer and dryer in your home or on your property can save you the hassle of having to find a babysitter or drag your kids back and forth when you need to do laundry. Basically, if you have the option to get a place with a washer and dryer, go for it.

Parking is also something that a lot of us tend to overlook when looking for a new place. You’re not going to want to walk far to your car, so try to find a place with parking that’s close to your unit. If you like to entertain, parking should definitely be an amenity you look for in your new place; your guests aren’t going to want to walk super duper far to get from their car to your door, and they’re definitely not going to want to pay to park, either. It seems silly to think of parking as being so important, but think about how happy you’ll be when you don’t have to lug your groceries all around your complex.

Out of the Box: Using the right storage to maximize your rental space

As someone who’s renting their home, you’re not exactly allowed to knock down some walls and make a new closet or alter your current storage situation. With that being said, you need to find other ways to maximize your space and storage.

Though no one admits it, a lot of us like to take the lazy way out and just accumulate storage bins in our garages or under our beds…bad solution!!! Storage bins do not have an aesthetic appeal, and ultimately take up a ton of space. It’s important to maximize functional spaces, like our closets, and even furniture. If organized correctly, closet space can go a veryyyyy long way, even for the smallest spots. If you have a pretty standard closet, you can get closet organizers/systems pretty much fully-equipped (check out The Container Store). If you have a smaller space, or want to customize it more than standard closet organizers, you can instill your own shelves and hanger units based on your precise storage

As far as functional furniture, we all know Ikea is the bees knees. Have you ever seen Swedish storage!?! IT DOESN’T EXIST! That’s where Ikea comes in! Ikea makes furniture as functional as possible to take advantage of space, especially useful when your storage is very limited. You can switch our your storage bins for a sleek bed that has big built-in drawers. Even small things, like a coffee table that doubles as media storage, can make all the difference in your space.

Basically, if you organize and plan correctly, you can make a small space into the storage space of your dreams.