Amenities You’ll Be Glad You Have

When you’re looking for a new place to rent, the amenities offered aren’t really the first thing that you factor in to your decision making process. Though a lot of amenities aren’t really absolutely necessary, there are a couple that you’re gonna be glad you didn’t compromise.

amenities Having a washer and dryer in your unit (or somewhere on the property) is something you should definitely look for when you’re trying to find a new place. You may be thinking that it won’t be a hassle having to do your laundry at your laundromat, and it may not be (at first), but it can be very inconvenient at times. Imagine that you have a huge interview and an hour before you need to leave you spill something on your shirt…big problem. If you don’t have a washer and dryer, you’re going to have to hit the laundromat and end up being late; with a washer and dryer readily available to you, this can be avoided. If you have kids, having a washer and dryer in your home or on your property can save you the hassle of having to find a babysitter or drag your kids back and forth when you need to do laundry. Basically, if you have the option to get a place with a washer and dryer, go for it.

Parking is also something that a lot of us tend to overlook when looking for a new place. You’re not going to want to walk far to your car, so try to find a place with parking that’s close to your unit. If you like to entertain, parking should definitely be an amenity you look for in your new place; your guests aren’t going to want to walk super duper far to get from their car to your door, and they’re definitely not going to want to pay to park, either. It seems silly to think of parking as being so important, but think about how happy you’ll be when you don’t have to lug your groceries all around your complex.